The database covers over 6.000 persons who fled in the period between october 1943 and june 1945. The material is not complete, but it is the most comprehensive to date.
The majority of the refugees was individuals with jewish affiliations or persons who was defined as jewish by the nazi racial definitions. At the same time we see a big percentage of non-jewish refugees. They were primarily spouses to jews in mixed marriages.
The protocols includes children but they often appear in their parents protocols. If you want to find a person who was a child at the time of flight, you need to search for their parents. A few unaccompanied children got their own protocol.
Some individuals does not appear in the Swedish protocols but does exist in some of the museum's other databases. These incidents may have been caused by the Swedish authorities disposing of the temporary residence permits when a refugee travelled onwards to a different country.
For further information on the different types of protocols and the nature of the material, see the documents below: